Lifespan Integration Therapy

Lifespan Integration Therapy (LI), is a gentle body-based therapy that is structured on neuroscience and the research that the brain has “neuroplasticity” (the ability to adapt and change) throughout the lifespan of an individual. Through the use of a client’s timeline, neurons fire and connect proving to the body (nervous system) and brain that the event is in the past. The brain then has the ability to integrate and organize itself into a more adaptive and functioning system. The nervous system will also be able to self-regulate more appropriately causing a decrease in anxiety and depressive symptoms. 
Ultimately, through the use of LI, a client will become more integrated and emotionally regulated– leading to a more connected and quality life.

Lifespan Integration therapy heals deeply and completely without re-traumatizing.” LI Website

For more information on Lifespan Integration (LI), please visit the website: